Why I Love ZenPencils

Quotes! Comics! Inspiration! What's not to love?

On my bookshelf I have two (and only two) comics which I love: Calvin & Hobbes and ZenPencils which just came out this week!

If you haven't seen ZenPencils, do yourself a favor and check out one of my favorite comics here.

The Man Behind the Comics

I'm a huge fan of Gavin, founder of ZenPencils, and I love reading his comics every week. He is destined for incredible things and it's a pleasure watching him grow and learn as an artist.

If you remember, we were lucky enough to sit down with Gavin this summer in the Everyday Humanitarians conference. He was one of my favorite interviews and if you haven't seen him yet, you should! Check it out here.

Gavin was also a speaker at the World Domination Summit this summer too. Check out his amazing speech here.

He does a wonderful job of explaining how ZenPencils got started, how he ended up where he is now and even how he conquered his fears and got up on the stage in front of thousands of people to tell his story. I know he was nervous before the talk, but he was fantastic!

What I Love Most

Anyway, I wanted to share a little with you hear about Gav, tell you how incredible he is and why I love his comics so much.

We all need reminders of what matters most in life: love, wisdom, honesty, inspiration, integrity, and a little more love after that. Gavin's talent as an artist and his willingness to put himself out there so we can enjoy his art and his comics is amazing.

I'm very grateful for it every week and I hope you get a chance to see it for yourself.

Who knows, it might even change your life.

Gav in 6 Minutes

