#44 Finding Awesome Deals at Thrift Shops

"Now is no time to think of what you do not have. Think of what you can do with what there is." Ernest Hemingway

  Being an entrepreneur means you have learned how to be... creative... financially.

Enter the thrift shop!

Literally. Come on in, let's hang out.

Need a home office? Check out this cool desk and office chair!

Need a little coffee table for those early morning creative sessions? Look at this little gem!

A couch for hanging out? Done. Who do we know who has a truck...

A day will come when you can trade up and re-donate that fluffy monster back to the fiery chasm from whence it came.

But in the meantime, thank goodness for thrift shops.

Bonus Points: When someone says, "Wow, nice couch. How much was it?" They are never going to believe you. And yes, the ottoman came with it for free.  

This is #44 in my new super nerdy series 100 Awesome Things for Entrepreneurs where I remember little awesome reasons why I love being an entrepreneur.